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Stop Answering To Your Past

Lord, I kneel before You in humble submission and pray that in Your mercy and kindness You would help me to simply let go of all the fears and worries, problems and doubts, guilt and disappointments that seem to be filling my heart and mind so often, during the course of a day.

Fill my hurting soul with Your love and peace I pray. Fill the emptiness and pain that is tearing my life asunder. Lord, You know what is in my heart and why I am going through this time of fear and worry. Help me Lord, to take every thought captive, to hand it over to You as it rears up in my mind, and help me to replace it with thoughts and words of Scripture that tell of Your great might and wonderful power.

Lord, You have told us to think about whatever is lovely and pure and holy and good, and I pray that You would help me to turn the eyes of my heart upon Jesus and look to Him day by day. In Jesus’ name I pray,


This week I was talking to a friend who was struggling to put their past behind them. God had been doing amazing things in his life, but he still missed certain aspects of who he used to be.

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Like many of us, he yearned to do things that God had delivered him from. I simply asked him would he rather be a new creature in Christ or go back to being his old self. He was determined to be a new creature, but there were things he missed as well. I believe all of us come to these difficult deciding moments. Some of us even try to go back to old environments God delivered us from.

But when we do that we only find out that God has made us to big or to mature to fit back into those small toxic situations.

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I’m sharing today’s sermon with the ROHO community because it helped convict me to finally move forward. This message is a powerful word that helps us to accomplish the difficult task of permanently leaving our past behind. I hope it will bless you as much as it blessed me.

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