Sing a New Song!
Follow Christ
The last thing Jesus asks us to do is to “follow me.” For humans, following anyone is a difficult task—especially when it involves giving up any measure of control.
A perfect example of this is Jesus inviting Andrew and Peter to follow him (Matthew 4:17-19). They left everything behind when they did. Jesus also encouraged the rich, young ruler to follow him (Luke 18:18-23), but he refused to sell everything he owned and thus wouldn’t follow him.
It is tough to follow because we like the feeling of leading. How many of us like to drive behind a slow-moving truck on a two-lane highway? As impatient as we are, it won’t be long before we pass it, thereby enjoying the wide open road ahead of us. How often do we feel that God is moving too slowly, causing us to sprint ahead and leave him behind?
When we do this, we leave the safety of his will for the uncertainty of our own. That usually doesn’t lead anywhere good. Being dedicated followers of Jesus Christ takes strength and wisdom but, more importantly, it requires us to surrender control of lives once and for all to him, the Lord of all creation, for he is the source of such strength and wisdom.
Continue to listen to “So Good” by Lady Bri
Will you deny yourself, take up his cross, and follow him?