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Seeing the Goodness of The Lord in the Land of the Living



Good Evening My Beloved,

There is a famous saying that, an optimist see’s a glass half-full, while a pessimist see’s a glass half-empty.  We have come through another week of ups and downs, of heartbreaks and breakthroughs, of fulfillment and failures.   But the good news is no matter what we have faced this week, God has spared us to live and press on.  

Over the course of this week, I read several testimonies about the amazing things God is doing in your lives, and your stories of faith and perseverance has blessed my soul.   The more I live, the more I am connived that my outlook controls a lot of my destiny.   If I expect negativity and bad things to happen, they often do.  Conversely, if I expect goodness and mercy to follow me, it often does.   The bible is true, when King David says, “I’ll believe to see the Goodness of the lord in the land of the living.” (Psalm 27).   Seeing God’s goodness is a choice.   Accepting God’s blessings are a choice.   So many of us are stuck in the same place, complaining about what we don’t have because we refuse to acknowledge and accept the ways that God is blessing us.   

This week I want you to practice gratitude.   I’ve learned to incorporate this in my own life.  Before I go to bed, I take a few minutes to just survey my life and tell God thanks.   “God i’m grateful for my life, I’m grateful for my family, for my apartment, for food in my fridge and clothes in my closet..”  These may seem like small gestures but they make a huge impact in how I feel about my life.   Try doing your own gratitude scan tonight.   

Here is what I know to be true:  God is Good! You have something in your life to be grateful for.   Tonight… Tell me what are you most grateful for? Click here to submit your testimony


Rev. Nicholas Richards

****2 reminders:  Check out the 7 prayers to start your week, the link is below….. and if you are blessed by this weeks email, please consider giving a donation***

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