Putting ‘Stuff’ in Perspective
5. Spend Time Giving Thanks and Praise
A friend once told me, “I find that it’s almost impossible to be stressed and praise God at the same time. When I’m stressing, I just start praising and the stress just seems to go away.”
Praise and worship will take our minds off of ourselves and our problems, and refocus them on God. As we begin to praise and worship God, suddenly our problems seem small in light of the largeness of God. Music is also soothing to the soul. Next time you’re feeling stressed, try following my friend’s advice and see if your stress doesn’t begin to lift.
Life can be challenging and complicated, and we are much too vulnerable in our human condition to escape the inevitable battles with stress. Yet for Christians, stress can have a positive side too. It may be the first indicator that we have stopped depending upon God daily for strength.
We can let stress be a reminder that our lives have drifted away from God, a warning that we need to turn back and cling to the rock of our salvation.