Putting ‘Stuff’ in Perspective
Finally, reluctantly, I gave it to her telling her how hard it was to give it up, but that God had told me to. Every time I’d see her wear it, I just had to say something about it. Anyway, a month went by and I think she got tired of hearing me talk about it and said, “I believe God wants me to give this back to you.” I was so happy to get it back. But whenever I would start to put it on after that, it didn’t appeal to me anymore. I just didn’t like it. God taught me a powerful lesson through that experience. He told me, Once I tell you to give something away, it no longer belongs to you, and if you keep it after that, it will never give you joy.
Giving away that bracelet was a test. There are two tests you have to pass concerning money and things: how you act when you don’t have any, and how you act when you have a lot. He will place people in your path who have exactly what you want. Or He’ll ask you to give away something you love-and maybe to someone you don’t even like. God tests all of us from time to time because He knows that it will help us grow in our relationship with Him and be able to really enjoy the abundant life Jesus died to give us as we learn to do what He’s asking us to do with a good attitude.