Jesus Brought Peace for Mind and Body
What a storm! If you have ever experienced painful, crippling arthritis in your body, you know what a destructive storm it is. Jesus speaks to cancer victims today, “Peace, be still,” and the cancer spirits are conquered; it’s all done, all over. He speaks to the diabetics, “Peace, be still,” and the terrible raging storm of that disease is over. Peace, be still.
Jesus said, In my name shall they cast out devils (Mark 16:17). That’s Peace Be Still. He calls calm to a tormented life. He brings tranquility to a life disturbed, tortured.
Demented Legion in whose mind raged thousands of devils—a man who cut himself, wore no clothes, a dirty, stinking man who dwelled among the tombs—was tossed by the raging powers of the devil, his life a living hell here on Earth. Like a mad dog he was out of control. In that raging storm came Jesus walking Legion’s waters of life, crying, “Peace, peace, be still!” The devils went out of Legion. “Peace, be still,” and a life changed in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye. The city’s citizens came out to find him clothed and in his right mind, sitting beside Jesus. Peace, be still.