A Prayer to Activate God’s Blessings
The “air” is the 1st heaven or atmosphere around the earth. Satan and his demon work mostly invisible stealth mode in the atmosphere around you. Three heavens mentioned in the Bible.
God already had a plan to get the blessing back into the hands of man.
Jesus (God) came as a man, called the second Adam, to bring back into order the way the way He intended the first Adam to rule and reign.
“And you, being dead in your sins, He has resurrected together with Him, having forgiven (by paying with His life) all your sins. He blotted out the handwriting of ordinances (law violations, our sins) that was against us, and He took it out of the way, nailing it to the cross.” Col. 2:13-14
Clarify what He did here: Jesus stepped into your death and hell sentence as your kinsmen (relative) redeemer. He was the only one qualified to pay the laws demands for all your sins, in order for you to be set free from this life sentence. There was no other way!
He gave His life for your life.
Ill. Imagine sitting in prison with life sentence and suddenly guard says, “Washburn, roll it up!” What? “I said roll it up. Your charges are dismissed and your record is expunged. You are free to go.”
“No way – you are messing with me. I’ve got multiple life sentences I will die here.”
This is the gospel. Good news. You either take it and go free or you sit in prison the rest of your life and die.