A Prayer for Personal Healing for Strength and Comfort
Identifying emotional wounds
The first thing we need to do is identify the problem, and realize the need for inner healing. Below is a common list of common symptoms to look for in somebody who has an emotional wound:
Inner rawness: there’s often a sense of inner rawness and hurt that doesn’t seem to go away.
Irritability: it’s easy to become irritable with others, even if they aren’t doing anything wrong!
Little or no tolerance: there is a low tolerance issue with others, where you expect and demand from them.
Feelings always rising up: feelings of anger, hate, resentment, etc. seem to “rise up” within you at the slightest offense from others.
Overly sensitive about an event in your past: If there are events in your past which cause you to become very sensitive or angry, or even cause you to lash out, then it is likely revealing a deep emotional wound tied in with that event or memory.